Revive, Renew Restore...

Revive, Renew Restore...

Since starting this blog in 2014, I have shared the many trials and triumphs of my motherhood experience. I have posted about my son’s open heart surgery, struggles with potty training and my deep pride in his amazing development, in spite of his rough start. Throughout this time, I have had conversations with mom friends all over the world and found that there was a recurring theme. Almost every mother I spoke to felt exhausted, on the verge of burning out or burnt out. This wasn’t and isn’t foreign to me, as I feel it often myself.

There is nothing in the world that makes me happier than my two children. Every day they make me smile with the cute things they say. They touch my heart deeply with their pure love for me and especially for each other. But motherhood is hard. I have had difficult jobs and dealt with tough situations before, but motherhood is constant. It’s a switch that turns on from the moment you give birth and stays on forever.

As mothers, we give and give and give and just when we think we have absolutely nothing left to give, someone asks for some more and we find a way to give more. Everyone and everything else comes before our own needs and we find ourselves exhausted physically and emotionally. Many of us become consumed by our role as mothers and lose touch with friends and even with ourselves. This can lead to depression, poor health, lack of patience, a breakdown of relationships and many more adverse effects.

As I resolve to take better care of myself physically and emotionally in 2017, I’m taking along for the ride. I hope that my #missionmommywellness will inspire other moms to take some time back for themselves too.

The first part of my journey in 2017 will be to change the way I eat. I’m joining my good friend Kaylan Bartholomew on her 21 day detox program, “Revive, Renew Restore.” The program is fully online and features built in prep time and a support system. It’s perfect for busy moms! If you want to join me check out Spirited Natural’s website here.

Subscribers to will have a chance to win a spot in the program up until January 4th! So make sure to sign up today. This is just the first of many amazing giveaways for subscribers in 2017, so don’t miss out! We won’t give out your contact and won’t flood your inbox! I’m looking forward to an amazing and healthy 2017 with all of my I Speak Mom readers!

© Nicola Rios Nogales and, 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Nicola Rios Nogales and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Resolutions to Results

Resolutions to Results

Toss the Sugar Out with 2016

Toss the Sugar Out with 2016