A Better Person, A Better Mom

A Better Person, A Better Mom

As my son and I sat eating at a French bakery last week, a disabled, homeless woman appeared in the window. She was begging customers for money or food as they walked out. My little one looked at her intently and I saw concern growing in his eyes. He then asked me, “Mama, what’s wrong with her?” I awkwardly answered, “she’s not feeling well, son.” He kept looking at her with empathy. “Why?” he asked. “She’s having a rough day,” I replied. “But, why?” he continued. “Some people go through very tough times and it makes them sad. We have to pray for them, we should pray for her, that God sends her comfort, peace and a better life,” I said.

Immediately, my three-year-old son clasped his hands and bowed his head. He said quietly, “Dear God, please help her, she is sad, she's having a bad day.” His little voice was so pure and so sincere, it touched me in the very depths of my core. I had nothing to offer that poor lady that day and I felt sad about that. But it reminded me that giving more to others who are less fortunate is one of my goals this year. I don’t just mean giving money. I mean giving time, empathy and love and involving my kids so that they learn this too.

We teach our kids so many things every day. But the truth is that they teach us even more. They open our eyes and our hearts. They teach us the meaning of true unconditional love, purity, and empathy. My children are my greatest inspiration. I want a better world for them and because of them. I want to be a better person and a better mom because they deserve the very best of me and the very best example of humanity.

My son has such a very special heart, physically and spiritually. When I tell him that his heart was filled up with love and super powers and sewed up again, it’s not far from the truth. His light is infectious. I’m so blessed to have the honor of being his mom and guiding his blessed soul on life’s winding roads. Because of him, I speak mom.

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