Discovering How My Body was Designed to Feel

Discovering How My Body was Designed to Feel

I was never a sickly child - growing up I had seasonal allergies and the occasional flu.  By my teen years I had daily headaches and occasional migraines.  And in my early twenties I was put on high blood pressure medication, experienced major migraines monthly and still the daily headaches and round the clock allergies.  Fast forward to 2011 when I was trying to juggle a stressful corporate job and a toddler – I was now also experiencing acid reflux, painful periods and  depression on top of everything else.  I also had no energy and was constantly irritable and felt like I was losing my mind!

I decided that I did NOT want to feel that way in 2012.  On December 31, 2011, I decided to follow my intuition and start a detox by excluding all meat (and fish – although I never ate that anyway) and refined sugar from my diet.  Boy was that rough?  I was not a huge meat lover, but meat had been a center of the plate since I was a child, and I struggled with finding foods to fill my plate.   Growing up I ate zero vegetables, so at that time although I had started to eat a few, vegetables were still something I forced myself to eat.  And if I thought I was cranky before, that first week of detoxing it was on a whole other level!

But then once I survived that first week, I started to feel a lot lighter.  I had a lot more energy, particularly after meals and my digestion felt less sluggish.  And after a month of eating a vegetarian diet, I felt so great that I have not eaten meat since (although I have had the occasional fish).   Initially my meals were not balanced or necessarily healthy (fries are vegetarian!) but as I continued this new diet, I added the right protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates that worked for my body.  I also consciously increased my fruit and vegetable intake.

After a few months I really felt amazing – I haven’t had a migraine since, headaches are very infrequent, seasonal allergies disappeared, I had energy to run behind my toddler and my skin was glowing.  I was bordering 40 and I felt the better than I ever had!   I knew that THIS was how my body was designed to feel.

That experience really piqued my interest in the health and nutrition field and led me to my new career as a health coach and yoga instructor.   Although I survived, my detox experience was tough for a number of reasons:

1) because I chose to go it alone

2) because I did not have guidance or support, and simply relied on Google for answers

3) because I was not adequately prepared

I really love sharing my detox experience with others and supporting others through their own detox so I created the Revive, Renew, Restore – 21-day detox program that I offer online.  In this program I provide detailed guidance on how to prepare for a detox, the foods that you should eat/eliminate and what to expect in an e-book.  In addition, we have a weekly live webinar which provides information to support you during the 21-day program.  And the true magic of the program lies in the secret Facebook group where we support each other, share our experiences and answer questions.

Visit our website to check out when our next program begins!


Contact Kaylan



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